Belfast, Northern Ireland ~ Writing on the Walls

When I first mentioned that I would be heading to Belfast on business the common response was, “is that safe”? A fair questions based on some of the history of the city but it is just that, its history! As the locals call it, the period of “troubles”, ended over 10 years ago but remnants remain in the form or art, walls and flags. For those who aren’t aware of this period, which was actually a “civil war”, the troubles where regarding whether Northern Ireland would be a part of the United Kingdom or part of the Republic of Ireland. Yes, that also implies a bit of a sectarian conflict between Protestants and Catholics but really, the conflict was political.

While a peace was negotiated, there remains evidence of the period in walled in communities that have recently opened, and artistic expression about the period on said walls and buildings. I appreciate that they don’t try to hide their past and allow it expression today. In my humble opinion, I think it helps to heal the divide but it is also a cultural distinction…the Irish are expressive…in every way!

All that to say, a mural tour is well worth it in terms of learning the history and taking in the art.

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