Welcome & About

Welcome to my Karry On, I’m so glad you stopped by!!

I’ve gone through my share of karry on bags over the years. Not because they were cheap or poorly made, but because I’ve been racking up the frequent flier miles for both business and pleasure for over 15 years now.  I love everything about traveling starting with the anticipatory planning of a trip, actually taking the trip, to reliving the memories in sharing the stories with others. I even love the stuff that most consider a pain about travel like going through security, standing in cues, getting delayed and a host of other travel “challenges”.  Why?  Because the entire experience pushes me outside of myself, challenges preconceived ideas and introduces me to new ways of seeing things through experience.  And because love is magnetic, I’ve collected some insanely magical travel stories!

So, here we are, after years of friends and family telling me I need to start a blog to share my stories, I finally did it. I actually started the blog on a trip to Rio (my first posts) while I was sequestered in my hotel room overlooking the sea due to a mysterious spider bite that infected my face.  I’ll defer to the blog post about that topic, but sitting in that room, at the time of year when we all reflect on the past and plan for the future, the inspiration finally hit.  And when it did, I couldn’t stop writing.  

Sometimes it takes a spider to slow you down long enough to do something you’ve always known you should do! Just call me Wilber from Charlotte’s web.  But I digress…
My goal for the Karry On is to inspire you! To inspire you to adventure, to meeting new people, to tasting new foods, to going to new places and to gathering new insights.  I’ll feel like a success in blogging if you pull your karry on bag out of your closet, go explore, and collect your own magical stories…even if those stories are in your own home town!

About Me

Hi, I’m Kimberly! I’m a single woman “of a certain age” who works as a Digital Strategy and Marketing leader for a global manufacturing company.  My loves are, travel, meeting & introducing people, food that makes you moan and the tinking of wine glasses. I’m as prone to spontaneous moments of sage insight, as I am to trip over my own feet!  I really try to stay fit and healthy but I just can’t say no to great pizza, pasta, and the accompanying wine.  I’m an unplanned planner.  When I travel, one day has a plan and one day doesn’t.  A structured go with the flow if you will. And, I am an eternal optimist.  I see it half full…but I still want more…I’d like it to overflow! Wouldn’t you too?

Check out the real essentials that I use when I travel Inside My Karry On!